"Angel Grace"

by J. E. Taylor

CJ Ryan has the power of the gods, and Lucifer wants it.
A dark urban fantasy novel
# Angels
# Demons
# Dark
# Supernatural
# Suspense
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When the devil ripped my angelic father’s head off, that was just the start of my bad day. Walking in on my girlfriend screwing someone else made it officially the worst day of my life. And left one hell of a scar on my already damaged soul. But it keeps getting worse. You see, Lucifer wants my meatsuit. He wants my natural powers. He wants Armageddon. And he wants it now. But in order to get that, I have to say yes. And the devil throws a lot of nasty tricks my way to get me to yield. But I can’t give in, even if it means watching everyone I love die. If I cave, the entire world will burn.

Title: "The Ryan Chronicles Series"

Demons, vampires, angels, and the devil. What the hell kind of nightmare do I live in?

A dark supernatural suspense series

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