"Kissing Fate"

by J. E. Taylor

Heaven screwed with the wrong girl!
A dark urban fantasy novel
# Angels
# Dark
# Supernatural
# Suspense
# Urban Fantasy
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Heaven screwed with the wrong girl. In their lust to destroy me, the angels made a grave mistake. They chose Zane Bradley to be the hand of their twisted justice. The guy who chose to be Death in a bid to try to save me from their wrath. It took them ten years to eradicate the memory of why he chose to become Death. Ten long years to brainwash my boyfriend into believing I am the enemy. Ten years to convince him he was justified in reaping me. I waited ten years to see him again, but this was not the reunion I had hoped for. Can I break through the wall between Heaven and his memories before he kills me? Or will I end up on the wrong side of the reaper realm, at the angels’ mercy? If Heaven wins this battle, not only will I lose all that I love, the world will understand the true meaning of the End of Times.

Title: "The Death Chronicles II"

Death is the family business.

An urban fantasy romantic suspense novel.

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